This just in! A love child is born of Janome Sewing Machines and ThreadBanger!
Actually, it’s TWINS! Fraternal, of course, and both of the ThreadBanger Sewing Machines are chocked full of good genes and talent and are sure to live many, many creative years on the planet

OK, OK, so we jest. TB12 is a cast aluminum body machine that is based on a former model so popular that long-time Janome fans have been begging to see it again. So, here it is—upgraded and updated for ThreadBanger.
But seriously, we are pleased to introduce to you TB12 and TB30, the two newest and grooviest members of the Janome family of sewing machines.

The TB12 has 12 actual stitches, including a number of stretch stitches, and multiple stitch functions, including length adjustment.
EZ change feet and a simple 4-step buttonhole give you endless options for creativity, and a built-in one-hand thread cutter and simple reverse lever make finishing off stitching a breeze.
It’s a hardcore, no-frills workdog–perfect for on-the-go DIY.
The TB30 is a little fancier. (It’s just as tough, but it’s got some frills.) It has 30 actual stitches, 6 one-step buttonholes, a built-in One-Hand Needle Threader and Stitch Width and Length adjustments. Also, there is a Stitch Elongation feature– that means you can elongate some stitches without losing any density. 
Another cool feature is the Direct Stitch Selection Buttons. Push the button once, and the green light shows the left stitch pictured on the button is selected. Hit the button again and an orange light indicates the right stitch on the button is selected. The letter on each button advises you what foot to use. Such a pal!
There are three pressure adjustment levels for sewing a greater variety of fabrics, and a Needle Up/Down Button. This button allows you to select whether the needle stays down in the fabric every time you stop (allows for easy corner turning) or comes up out of the fabric each time you stop sewing. Nice, right?
Also, the Start/Stop Button allows you to sew without using the foot control! AND, if you press it and hold it down, it will sew very slooowly, so you can be as exact as you want.
Both of these machines are perfect creative tools for the DIY sewist!

We love ThreadBanger so sew so much that our own Kira DeLong personally delivered the first machines to Rob and Corinne’s ThreadBanger studio!